Outreachy Blog-Post #1: Introduction Post.

Outreachy Blog-Post #1: Introduction Post.

Outreachy Week 1 Blog Post.


4 min read

Who I am.

Hello, my name is Daniel Eniola Olatunji; although, I prefer being called Eniola, because there's literally too many Daniels around, :D.

I am a Cyber Security, Networking, Blockchain enthusiast from Osun state, Nigeria. I am currently an Outreachy intern working with Open Information Security Foundation on the "Suricata Hardening: Work on finding and fixing bugs in Suricata using code analyzing tools." project.

My Core Values.

My core values are Curiosity, Beauty, Perfection, Poise, Self-Fulfillment.

Curiosity has been one of the values that has pushed me this far; always wanting to figure out how something works; I also see it as some sort of flaw I have got, because it has led me through so many rabbit holes where I got all confused about stuff. But it still is one of the things that has made me understand situations and things better.

Talking about Beauty, I must say it was beauty that led me to IT, it was beautiful watching screens, & codes on the screen, how the lights & beeps from computers in server rooms were so beautiful to me, how I envision data travelling through cables from one device to another; It's how beautiful it is when I scroll through lines of codes on VScode. Beauty is a great push for me. Jsyk, I'm a big lover of Arts.

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

Perfectionists are often seen as pains in people's neck, and it has been said that Perfectionism can actually hinder success. Well, I am an adaptive perfectionist, myself. I really love for things to be flawless if I care about said thing; for it to be of a high standard, but I tend to let go if I find it will be difficult to achieve or will be a waste of precious time or give rise to new issues. But then, perfection has been one value which has guided my performance & how I work.

Poise is a very useful value, because it is greatly important for one to be composed & cool-headed under strain/stress, pressure or when a new/strange and unexpected event occurs. I just love to see things graceful and sleek; especially people, who are hardly ever shaken by stuff; not out of emotionlessness, but because they can control themselves & refrain from reacting in someways when not necessary.

Self-Fulfillment has also been one thing I've got to push me everytime; it's linked to my being persistent(another value of mine) & a perfectionist , since I'm rarely satisfied if I do not achieve what I set out to achieve. So for this satisfaction, I makes me focused & look for ways to possibly achieve a certain goal or solve a particular problem.

Why Outreachy?

My journey thus far, has been nothing short of intense. My lunge into the I.T world was in 2017 when I watched Flash & Arrow, and was intrigued by Cisco's & Felicity's hacking ability in these movies. It prompted me to start doing research, learning python, using different linux distros & taking courses on hacking & participating in CTF hackathons. That has led me to & through higher dimensions which eventually led me here; say the 7th dimension? :P

I fortunately heard about Outreachy from a blockchain developer friend who said to check it out, as he participated in the May-August 2022 cohort. I applied first for the May-August 2023 cohort but didn't go past the contribution stage; so I came back this time, with more passion, devotion & force, and I must say, I am really excited & hyped up to be here.
I really wanted to partake in the Internship, for the money; Yes, but also for the exposure it was going to bring for me, the experience and a whole new learning environment; plus we never know where a life changing opportunity will come to us, so I thought, why not jump into this and take it very serious, with utmost dedication.

Fast-forward to my second attempt, and getting to be one of the interns chosen by OISF to particpate in one of their projects which is very exciting for me since it's a Network/Cyber-Security related project.
I look forward to a great internship period, and I hope to make great contributions to this community during and even after the internship.

Thank you.