Outreachy Blog-Post #2: Everybody Struggles

Outreachy Blog-Post #2: Everybody Struggles

Outreachy Week 3 Blog Post.


2 min read

It has been three weeks on intense and exciting work on this internship journey. It has been nothing short of a wonderful experience for me, so far. There came a time I got a tad-bit frustrated because I was not making progress on what I was working on, but it quickly dissipated after renewing my motivation and excitement when I had an epiphany of some sorts - Now, I feel like Master Ooogway from Kung Fu Panda, haha!

Overall, the past couple of weeks has been beautiful and fun for me. I really do love how the internship period has been going for me and I really do hope to continue working on this project because it has won my heart totally.

Open Source Vocabulary Term: "Draft Pull Request"

The "Draft Pull Request (Draft PR)" has been a cncept that I have employed since the start of the internship, even from the contribution stage. It was suggested to us applicants by one of our mentors; Juliana.

It was suggested to us in order to for the mentors to be able to understand and get the context of our questions and also properly giving us answers and reviewing our work. The draft PR is like a normal Pull Request on Github, only that, it can not be merged into a branch. It's main use is for reviewing some work that the contributor is sure cannot be merged yet and needs a little more work and feedback from other developers in the community.

So instead of creating a normal PR, you create a Draft PR.

This helped me a lot when I've got some confusing or complicated question for my mentors, so I submit a Draft PR and point to the places I have got questions on, which makes it easier for my mentors to grasp and give feedback on.

I have learnt a truckload of things since this internship period started, and I am looking to learn more and more stuff. It has been an exciting experience so far, and I am sure it will not stop being exciting.

Thank you.
